Defend The Vote Endorses Tester for Senate

Jon Tester has led the fight for transparency and to protect the voices of everyday Montanans against Dark Money extremists

Defend The Vote (DTV), one of the nation’s leading and most influential pro-democracy organizations, today is endorsing Jon Tester for U.S. Senate. Tester has led the fight for transparency and to protect the voices of everyday Montanans against Dark Money extremists.

“Jon Tester is cracking down on corruption, fighting for transparency, and working to get Dark Money out of our elections,” DTV Executive Director Brian Lemek said. “He’s a champion of everyday Montanans, who want their voices heard and represented, not just big corporations and billionaires. We look forward to working with him in his next term in the Senate to bring more transparency to Washington and to protect the voice and vote of every American.”

“Montana families know the cost of a broken system that stacks the deck against them. We’ll never stop working to level the playing field so wealthy special interests cannot drown out the voices of and the will of the people,” Tester said. “I’ll never stop defending the foundation of our democracy and fighting back against the influence of special interests in our elections.”

Tester has led on bringing transparency in the Senate. President Trump signed his proposal into law requiring Senate candidates to file campaign finance reports online. He was also the first senator to publicly disclose his Senate schedule and he has introduced a number of bills to bring more transparency and to reduce the impact of Big Money in elections.

Tester supports the Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act as well as funding for local election workers to run safe and accessible elections without threat of harassment or intimidation and to prevent the spread of misinformation.

Defend The Vote has emerged as one of the nation’s leading and most influential

pro-democracy organizations. It is dedicated to electing pro-voting rights candidates who will preserve our democracy by fighting to safeguard free and fair elections, protect the right to vote, and increase voter access. Last cycle, DTV helped elect 55 pro-democracy House candidates and five Senate candidates.