WISPOLITICS: Bill Kaplan: Cooke for Congress: frontrunner for regular folks

The column below reflects the views of the author, and these opinions are neither endorsed nor supported by WisOpinion.com.

Rural Democrat Rebecca Cooke is the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District. In February, the Cooke campaign announced it had raised “over $800,000.” New numbers will be released shortly which will show the campaign continuing its commanding fundraising momentum. That’s not the only reason why Rebecca Cooke is the frontrunner.

Cooke is not resting on her achievements. She has a relentless work ethic and enjoys interacting with voters. Cooke fits the 3rd CD like no one else. Born and raised on a dairy farm, Cooke was president of her 4-H club, the Truax Eagles. She worked her way through college, never forgetting her rural-working class roots. It’s no accident that Cooke is the frontrunner for regular folks.

Cooke is campaigning hard throughout the 3rd CD, listening and talking with all voters. She has sat down with the Wisconsin Farm Bureau, other farmers, the Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO, small business owners, high school and college students, senior citizens, healthcare workers and many more. Importantly, Cooke is reaching out to Obama-Trump voters. “Western Wisconsin is home to the vast majority of the state’s Obama-Trump communities” (Craig Gilbert MJS). Like Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, Cooke has her eye on the ball. It will take a broad coalition to defeat incumbent GOP Representative Derrick Van Orden.

National groups, including Vote Common Good (works with people and candidates of faith), the Communications Workers of America, Defend the Vote (voter rights group), Tomorrow’s Jobs (supports small businesses) and the Blue Dog Coalition (rural Democratic House representatives), all strongly support Cooke. The path to a Democratic-led House is through rural CDs like Wisconsin’s 3rd CD.

It is time to elect Cooke and defeat Derrick Van Orden, a do-nothing legislator who lacks the judgement and temperament to be an effective member of Congress.

Read the full piece in WISPOLITICS here