January 6 a Reminder of the Extreme MAGA Threat to Democracy

The Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are pro-democracy bills that will protect and strengthen our democracy

Defend The Vote Executive Director Brian Lemek released the following statement to mark the third anniversary of the MAGA insurrection on January 6, 2021 and ahead of President Biden’s speech about the need to protect democracy from extremism. 

“Three years ago, a mob of thousands of MAGA extremists attacked our Capitol building in a violent and deadly attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. This insurrection was a direct assault on our democracy and the will of the people. It was fueled by lies and misinformation from former President Trump, his allies, and dark money groups.

“Today, the threats to our democracy are as serious and dangerous as ever. 

“Local election officials are being harassed and chased out of their jobs. MAGA extremists and election deniers continue to push misinformation and pass restrictive voting laws, all backed by an overwhelming flood of dark money.

“Even in Congress, MAGA Republicans continue to defend the attackers, block investigations into the facts, and give the same white supremacist factions at the riot a seat at the table setting the direction of the Republican Party.

“To protect and strengthen our democracy, Congress must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Together, these bills will defend against extremism and ensure our government is responsive to the people. 

“We must also hold everyone accountable for their actions on January 6, from the rioters who beat police and looted and vandalized the Capitol, to the members of Congress who encouraged the organizers of the attack, to President Trump and his top advisors who put together the plot to overturn the election and sparked the insurrection.”

Defend The Vote has emerged as one of the nation’s leading and most influential pro-democracy organizations. It is dedicated to electing pro-voting rights candidates, up and down the ballot, who will preserve our democracy by fighting to safeguard free and fair elections, protect the right to vote, and increase voter access. Last cycle, DTV helped elect 55 pro-democracy House candidates and five Senate candidates.