Defend The Vote Executive Director Brian Lemek released the following statement in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day:
“Dr. King’s courage and wisdom inspired millions of Americans to stand up for justice and equality. His leadership and legacy still inform and inspire us today.
“As we honor his profound contribution to our history, we recognize that his dream and the promise of our nation remain unfulfilled. We continue to face threats to the freedom to vote and to our democracy, some of which are new and some rooted back to the earliest days of the Republic.
“As Dr. King demonstrated, the fight for civil rights and voting rights takes continuous vigilance. We cannot and will not relent in our commitment to ensure everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard and vote counted though safe, accessible, transparent and accurate elections. To protect, strengthen, and expand the democratic ideals Dr. King championed, we will continue to work to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to help build a more perfect union that will endure for generations.”
Defend The Vote has emerged as one of the nation’s leading and most influential pro-democracy organizations. It is dedicated to electing pro-voting rights candidates, up and down the ballot, who will preserve our democracy by fighting to safeguard free and fair elections, protect the right to vote, and increase voter access. Last cycle, DTV helped elect 55 pro-democracy House candidates and five Senate candidates.