He’s Not Our Guy, But Our Country Deserves a Peaceful Transfer of Power – Every Time

Defend The Vote Executive Director Brian Lemek released the following statement on the January 6 Presidential election certification. 

“Today Congress will certify Donald Trump’s election in the 2024 Presidential campaign. 

“Although many members of Congress, along with more than 75 million Americans, opposed Donald Trump, their respect for the will of the people and for our democracy comes first – ahead of partisan politics or illegal attempts to take power by force. 

“While today’s certification will proceed, we do not forget that four years ago Donald Trump led a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. It ultimately turned violent, leading to the injury of many rioters and police, costing lives on both sides. 

“We are grateful to the Congressional staffers who endured the siege, yet remained committed to their service to the public and getting their jobs done. We are forever indebted to the police officers who bravely defended democracy against the MAGA rioters at great risk to their own safety and their lives. We continue to call for everyone involved to be held accountable for their actions. 

“Our nation deserves a peaceful transfer of power for every election and nothing less.”